- Results assume that an individual was born in a given year (birth cohort) and lived their life in the same U.S. county. Results include the effect of all years of exposure at that location.
- Results are provided for birth cohorts 1940-1970 and for all U.S. counties, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
- Results reflect average consumption rates of milk, an average amount of time spent outdoors, and no mother's milk.
- Uncertainty ranges (95% CI) are based on 500 Monte Carlo simulations.
- Results may be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column headings. An arrow beside the column label will indicate sorting order.
- An advanced search feature can be accessed by clicking the gear in the upper right of each table. Results can be queried for a given birth cohort, county, or state. Also, doses or risks above or below certain values can be viewed.
- The tabular results presented on this site are best viewed on a computer or tablet browser.
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